For anyone who doesn’t know yet, I have made the voyage across the middle of this vast country to the other coast in order to pursue my MFA in Photography at SVA this fall. So far I am liking it a lot. I’m not missing being gainfully employed and I have settled into reading some of my summer books. I’m in the middle of reading A New History of Photography and also Modern Art And The Object by Ellen H. Johnson. Both books have very interesting parts. One that comes to mind is a funny fact about Muybridge. He had to clear up some legal and marital issues before he could fully run his galloping horse test because, apparently, he had killed his wife’s lover. Ooo la la! It’s stuff like that that keeps me reading these, sometimes tedious, books.
Hopefully sooner, rather than later, I will be updating this blog with all the interesting photography happenings that I will be experiencing during and around my schooling.