Apertures and Architecture

The unique windows of the Parisian museum are reminiscent of the intricate Arabic patterns seen in many buildings — but with a twist. The windows are composed of metal eyes that dilate according to outdoor light conditions. The interior is host to a changing and complex lighting effect that layers daylight from the 30,000 apertures. Since the kinetic wall is facing the south, the building controls thermal exposure and interior lighting with a single system.

Read more: Jean Nouvel’s Stunning Museum Façade Dilates to Let in Daylight | Inhabitat – Green Design Will Save the World
Check out the article here

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Thesis Thoughts

Here are some thoughts on process and materiality and how the digital translation of the photograph moves it into another, more ambiguous realm.

My study of process and materiality will move past the technical specifications of the camera and traditional photographic processes, which have been explored in many ways by Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, Elen Carey, Silvio Wolf, Walead Beshty, Wolfgang Tillmans, etc. What I want to pursue involves a break down of the digitization of photography into a medium that can be seamlessly mirrored into other mediums and how that is reflected in virtual identity and internet presence. The idea that binary numbers and meaningless data can be shaped into any form is juxtaposed with using these forms to create an identity so that it is both the person and not the person. It is suggesting the individual, the object and, at the same time, the eminent capacity for any form can disintegrate and turn into something else through representation.

"The Potato Eaters", 2008

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Arenberg, Schulze and Shepard

In light of the last, thesis year in my MFA program, a couple fellow students and I have decided to venture out and start a studio. While we have decided on a name, we have not decided on a logo. This should act as a place holder until we come to terms with what Sweet A.S.S. Studio really means.

Here is a photo of the actual studio:

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A Poem for Technology

Here is a poem that pretty much sums up many thoughts I have on the topic of technology and my generation. I find it ironic that I am sharing it in this manner. Taken from http://www.mcsweeneys.net
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I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by brevity, over-connectedness, emotionally starving for attention, dragging themselves through virtual communities at 3 am, surrounded by stale pizza and neglected dreams, looking for angry meaning, any meaning, same hat wearing hipsters burning for shared and skeptical approval from the holographic projected dynamo in the technology of the era, who weak connections and recession wounded and directionless, sat up, micro-conversing in the supernatural darkness of Wi-Fi-enabled cafes, floating across the tops of cities, contemplating techno, who bared their brains to the black void of new media and the thought leaders and so called experts who passed through community colleges with radiant, prank Continue reading

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